Friday, 9 February 2007

Opening the account

Once upon a time there was a man named Bernard, who loved stories. He loved reading them. He loved writing them. He loved making them up and telling them to children. He loved stories in books, stories in movies, stories in comics, and best of all stories told aloud. But Bernard didn't have time for proper writing so he decided to start a blog about stories where people could collaborate in writing them. Please join him.

The other story writers were a friendly bunch and they kept to a set of simple rules to make things pleasant for each other. They labeled their stories to let people read a single story line. They played nicely with each other's characters and didn't suddenly change their personality or kill them off without a second thought. The remembered that all sorts of people could read the blog and kept the stories appropriate.

1 comment:

maureen said...

Cool concept! I'll be interested to see how it works out. Looks like you need some more 'story-teller' types to join in. You'd better send the url to Ro.